These records may not be suitable for merging. The master record does not have a parent record, but the subordinate record does. If you continue, the subordinate's relationship to its parent will be lost. To continue, click OK.
These closing entries will not be transferred to a general journal before the program posts them to the general ledger.\ ...
These entities can be used with mobile devices. Add, remove, and edit entities using the buttons. Entities in bold will appear ...
These errors are most likely due to issues in the source data. Please correct the error records in the source file and re-upload ...
These records may not be suitable for merging, because they do not share the same parent. If you continue, the subordinate ...
These records may not be suitable for merging. The master record does not have a parent record, but the subordinate record ...
These records will no longer appear on your personal wall. You will still be able to see the wall for these records and can ...
These settings are used to determine the keywords or key phrases from source records using text analytics to match with target ...
This .fob file is an old version which does not work with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. Use the Microsoft ...
This account must be a valid user in Dynamics 365 for Sales with the security roles System Administrator and Solution Customizer. ...