Save As (File menu) Saves the active file with a different file name, location, or file format. In Microsoft Excel and Word, you can also use this command to save a file with a password or to protect a file so that others cannot change its contents.
Ruler (View menu) Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can use to position objects, change paragraph indents, ...
Runtime Failure: Could not get plugin's Table Of Contents. Please report what caused this error along with the error type. ...
Sample Size Sets the bit rate for each sample. A higher bit rate results in a higher quality recording and larger file size. ...
Sampling Rate Sets the frequency at which the audio recording is captured digitally. A higher sampling rate results in a ...
Save As (File menu) Saves the active file with a different file name, location, or file format. In Microsoft Excel and Word, ...
Save as ^1 format? ^1 cannot save your presentation in its original PowerPoint 4.0 format. If you save your presentation ...
Save AutoRecover info every XX minutes Automatically saves a document recovery file at the interval you specify (1 to 120 ...
Save AutoRecover information after this number of minutes Automatically makes a workbook recovery file at the interval you ...
Save cancelled. To avoid damaging the contents of folder "|0", please choose "Save as Web Page." from the "File" menu and ...