The external query '%1' from the workbook '%2' was stopped because it did not complete in %3 seconds. Please update the Maximum Request Duration using the administration console. [Session: %4 User: %5]
The external content type version number is invalid. Please make sure it complies with the following format: N.N.N.N where ...
The External Content Type view context could not be found for these parameters: ExternalContentTypeNamespace='{0}', ExternalContentType ...
The external data range contains one or more columns that were added in Excel. When you publish this data to the Web with ...
The External Item Picker is not supported in user code solutions. To publish this form to SharePoint, use the administrator-approved ...
The external query '%1' from the workbook '%2' was stopped because it did not complete in %3 seconds. Please update the Maximum ...
The external query '%1' in %2 did not run due to the AllowExternalData setting of %3. To allow external data connections, ...
The external stylesheet dependencies for this document have changed. In order to see these changes, you must save and reload ...
The external system {0} contains existing external content types. These must be deleted before the external system can be ...
The external task ID number is not valid.}The ID number entered for the task in the external project either does not exist ...