Displays information about pending changes to items in one or more workspaces. tf status itemspec [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl] [/login:username,[password]] ([/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]] | [/shelveset:shelvesetname[;shelvesetowner]]) [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive] [/user:(*|username)]
Displays detailed information about past merges between the specified source and destination branches. tf merges source destination ...
Displays information about a changeset and lets you change the associated attributes, such as comments and check-in notes. ...
Displays information about a set of shelved changes. tf shelvesets /owner:ownername /format:(brief|detailed) /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl ...
Displays information about items under version control. tf properties /recursive itemspec /version:versionspec /workspace ...
Displays information about pending changes to items in one or more workspaces. tf status itemspec /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl ...
Displays information about the output library to standard output. The output can be redirected to a file. You can use /LIST ...
Displays information about workspaces in the system and updates cached information about a user name or computer name change ...
Displays the history of a branch for a specified file or folder. tf branches itemspec /version:versionspec /collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl ...
Displays the list of labels in Team Foundation version control. tf labels /owner:ownername /format:(brief|detailed) /col ...