WINS's Replicator could not find any records in the WINS database. This means there are no active or tombstone records in the database. It could be that the records being requested by a remote WINS server have either been released or do not exist.
WINS Reverse Lookup Received/sec is the average number of WINS reverse lookup requests received by the server in each second. ...
WINS sent a name query or a name release with a certain transaction ID. It received a response to the request that differed ...
WINS was forced to scavenge replica tombstones of a WINS. The person with administrative rights on the computer forced the ...
WINS will not start because the existing WINS database needs to be converted to the Windows 2000 format. WINS has initiated ...
WINS's Replicator could not find any records in the WINS database. This means there are no active or tombstone records in ...
Winsock Catalog Provider Entry - Entry Type: %1!s! Description: %2!s! Provider ID: %3!s! Provider Path: %4!s! Catalog Entry ...
WinSock startup successful : wVersion = %d.%d, wHighVersion = %d.%d vendorInfo addr = x, maxSockets = %d, maxudp = %d (0's ...
Wired 802.1X Authentication failed. Network Adapter: %2 Interface GUID: %1 Peer Address: %3 Local Address: %4 Connection ...
Wired 802.1X Authentication succeeded. Network Adapter: %2 Interface GUID: %1 Peer Address: %3 Local Address: %4 Connection ...