A value of true enables COM+ partitioning, which can be used to isolate applications into their own COM+ partitions. COM+ partitions can hold different versions of your own custom COM components. If you set this flag, also set the Partition ID property.
A valid server licensor certificate is not available at the specified location. Verify that the information was typed correctly. ...
A validation test was unable to get needed access to cluster or system resources, probably because another instance of the ...
A value of 1 in this column means to wait until the service actually completes before proceeding. This implies that the event ...
A value of Nothing was specified for a property that may not be Nothing, such as one that is marked by a Key, Indexed, or ...
A value of true enables COM+ partitioning, which can be used to isolate applications into their own COM+ partitions. COM+ ...
A value of true enables COM+ side-by-side assemblies, which allow ASP applications to specify which version of a system DLL ...
A value of true shall indicate the output from the PowerSource is alternating current (AC). A value of false shall indicate ...
A value of true shall indicate the required input of the PowerSupply is alternating current (AC). A value of false shall ...
A value used to define a power setting. This value is readable. The InstanceID of this class will encode whether this setting ...