TF207015: The current work item already contains links to the following work items: {0}. The duplicate links will be removed.
TF207004: The following work items are not available to be linked: {0}. You do not have access to these work items, or they ...
TF207008: Team Foundation does not support linking a work item to itself. Remove the work item id of the work item you are ...
TF207012: You cannot save this query with this name because another query that uses this name is already open. You must close ...
TF207014: The text that you specified contains one or more unsupported characters in the following text box: '{0}'. You must ...
TF207015: The current work item already contains links to the following work items: {0}. The duplicate links will be removed. ...
TF208000: A work item has a duplicate title in Excel row {0}. There can be only one title per row when viewing the working ...
TF208001: A child work item is disconnected from its parent. The title at Excel row {0} is in the wrong column or is empty. ...
TF208002: The name that you specified for the column header is a reserved name for this work item list. Choose a different ...
TF208003: Cannot refresh the work item list. Parent to child links were changed such that columns must be added or removed ...