Defines an adapter set that maps ASP.NET mobile controls to corresponding adapters within theand sections of the Web.config configuration file.
Define how unknown client computers will be named. Unknown clients are clients that you have not prestaged in Active Directory ...
Define which client computers this server will respond to. Known clients are clients that you have prestaged in Active Directory ...
Defines a slow connection for purposes of applying and updating Group Policy. If the rate at which data is transferred from ...
Defines a slow connection for roaming user profiles. If the server on which the user's roaming user profile resides takes ...
Defines an adapter set that maps ASP.NET mobile controls to corresponding adapters within the and sections of the Web.config ...
Defines constant string values that are used to increase recognition accuracy by providing contextual information to the ...
Defines the configuration settings that control the key generation and algorithms that are used in encryption, decryption, ...
Defines the DNS servers to which a computer sends queries when it attempts to resolve names. Warning: The list of the DNS ...
Defines the semantics of corresponding entries in the ActivityQualifiers array. An example of each of these 'formats' and ...