This action marks each subscription that supports automatic reinitialization to be reinitialized the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must run the Snapshot Agent to generate the snapshot. To reinitialize a subscription that was initialized manually when it was created: drop the subscription, reinitialize the subscription database manually, and create the subscription again.
These are the total sessions/connections associated with the login, and having active requests irrespective of databases. ...
These services will be configured automatically where possible to use a low privilege account. On some older Windows versions ...
This account is currently associated with profile(s): {0}. You must remove this account from associated profiles, or delete ...
This action marks each subscription that supports automatic reinitialization to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next ...
This action marks each subscription that supports automatic reinitialization to be reinitialized the next time its Distribution ...
This action marks each subscription to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Merge Agent runs. Subscriptions ...
This action marks each subscription to be reinitialized the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must run the Snapshot ...
This action marks subscription '{0}' to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Distribution Agent runs. You must ...
This action marks subscription '{0}' to be reinitialized from a snapshot the next time its Distribution or Merge Agent runs. ...