Inspects for PivotTables, PivotCharts, cube formulas, slicers, and timelines, which may include data that's not visible on the sheets.
Insert pictures for all shapes on the page. Image file names should be in the format Name.FileType, such as "John Smith.jpg". ...
Insert preformatted text, auto-text, document properties, and fields anywhere in the document.To reuse content in your document, ...
Insert table templates or custom tables into the current view of the form template.Use table templates to organize form contents ...
Insert the text from a file into your publication.If you have a text box selected, the text is added to the selected text ...
Inspects for PivotTables, PivotCharts, cube formulas, slicers, and timelines, which may include data that's not visible on ...
Inspects the document for objects that are not visible because they have been formatted as invisible. This does not include ...
Inspects the presentation for objects that are not visible because they are outside the slide area. This does not include ...
Inspects the presentation for objects that are not visible because they have been formatted as invisible. This does not include ...
Inspects the workbook for objects that are not visible because they have been formatted as invisible. This does not include ...