Your trial has expired. Please make sure the Internet is connected, then check for an updated license or enter a product key to continue without interruption.
Your step-into request resulted in an automatic step-over of a property or operator. This behavior can be overridden in the ...
Your system does not have the recommended amount of system memory: {0} MB. Installing Team Foundation Server with less than ...
Your team capacity has been reduced because the iteration start and end dates have been changed. One or more team members ...
Your Team Foundation Server configuration failed and the data upgrade could not start. There were {0} errors and {1} warnings. ...
Your trial has expired. Please make sure the Internet is connected, then check for an updated license or enter a product ...
Your trial has expired. Please make sure the Internet is connected, then check for an updated license to continue using this ...
Your Trial license for Team Foundation Server has expired. You must update your license information with a valid key in the ...
Your trial will expire soon and you will no longer be able to access this product. Please make sure the Internet is connected, ...
Your trial will expire soon and you will no longer be able to access this product. Please make sure the Internet is connected, ...