The ending period for budget cycle %1 is not found in fiscal calendar %2. Enter a different starting period or define additional periods in the fiscal calendar.
The encumbrance process was not activated at the time this purchase order was confirmed. Create a new purchase order to order ...
The end date can not occur before the start date. Enter an end date that is the same as or later than the start date to continue ...
The end date for %1 does not fall within the fiscal year being closed. Select another end date or change the closing fiscal ...
The end date of a fiscal year must match the end date of the last period defined for that year. Correct the end date for ...
The ending period for budget cycle %1 is not found in fiscal calendar %2. Enter a different starting period or define additional ...
The ending period in a WKS column must be greater than zero, but the ending period for column {0} is {1}. The first period ...
The enrollment ending date must be earlier than or equal to the benefit expiration date. Change the enrollment ending date. ...
The enrollment ending date must be earlier than or equal to the expiration date of the benefit. Change the enrollment ending ...
The enrollment starting date must be later than or equal to the benefit effective date. Change the enrollment starting date ...