Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) asynchronously transfers files in the foreground or background, throttles the transfers to preserve the responsiveness of other network applications, and automatically resumes file transfers after network disconnects and machine restarts. The server components (below) allow files to be hosted for BITS client to download as well as provide the path to upload files.
B+ Tree Page Moves/sec is the count of B+ Tree pages per second where all the records are moved to a new page. Dev Only] ...
B+ Tree Partial Left Merges/sec is the count of pages where some of its records are moved to a page on the left in a database ...
Back up files and directories This user right determines which users can bypass file and directory, registry, and other persistent ...
Back up your files immediately to prevent information loss, and then contact the computer manufacturer to determine if you ...
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) asynchronously transfers files in the foreground or background, throttles ...
Background Intelligent Transfer Services (BITS) server extension cleanup for the virtual directory %1 and the unique identifier ...
Background optimizations (prefetching) took longer to complete, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start ...
Backlog calculations cannot be performed because an error occurred while the reporting mechanism attempted to retrieve version ...
Backlog calculations cannot be performed because DFS Replication encountered the following error while accessing the Windows ...