You have some files that are too big and won't sync with OneDrive. Remove the files or reduce the file sizes before syncing with OneDrive.
You have signed up successfully, and soon you'll receive an email with the details of your offer for {0} off your first purchase. ...
You have some Active Directory groups that have more than {0} members. This will block directory synchronization. You can ...
You have some Active directory users that have more than 1000 attributes. Your Active Directory user accounts don't meet ...
You have some domain-joined computers that don't meet system requirements for Office 365. You can see a list of these machines ...
You have some files that are too big and won't sync with OneDrive. Remove the files or reduce the file sizes before syncing ...
You have the following rules in your inbox: name: '{0}'Description: '{1}'. If you're missing email, it may be because an ...
You have three ways you can see the clients that you've got delegated access permissions for: flagged (which is the default), ...
You have to add the domain name to Office 365 before we can publish your website. Please go to Domains and add this domain. ...
You have to confirm that you own the email address before you can use it in %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. Confirming can take ...