DELETE SHADOWS { ALL | VOLUME| OLDEST | SET | ID | EXPOSED } Delete shadow copies, both persistent and non-persistent. ALL All shadow copies. VOLUME Delete all shadow copies of the given volume. OLDEST Delete the oldest shadow copy of the given volume. SET Delete the shadow copies in the shadow copy set specified by the setId parameter. ID Delete the shadow copy specified by the shadowId parameter. EXPOSED Delete the shadow copy that is exposed at the specified drive letter or mount point. Examples: DELETE SHADOWS ALL DELETE SHADOWS EXPOSED p:
Delete existing report jobs. The syntax of this command is: Storrept Reports Delete /Task:TASK /Quiet /Remote:MACHINE /Task:TASK ...
Delete of file "%1" caused a rescan because it was potentially a short filename. Avoid use of names with the character "~" ...
Delete of file "%2" caused a rescan because it was potentially a short filename. Avoid use of names with the character "~" ...
Delete per machine printer connection (the connection will be deleted upon user logon): rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry ...
DELETE SHADOWS { ALL | VOLUME | OLDEST | SET | ID | EXPOSED } Delete shadow copies, both persistent and non-persistent. ALL ...
Delete the DNS delegations pointing to this server. You may be prompted for additional credentials to delete the delegation. ...
Delete the specified 24-hour schedule. wsrmc /Delete:Sched /y schedule-name Schedules to be deleted. '\' will delete all ...
Delete the specified Calendar Event. wsrmc /Delete:Cal /y Calendar_name Name of the Calendar Event to be deleted. '\' will ...
Deleted Bytes Cleaned up shows the total size (in bytes) of replicating deleted files and folders (in bytes) that were cleaned ...