InitializeProvider cannot allocate memory for %1. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources.
Initialization of the High Precision Event Timer failed due to a BIOS configuration problem. The operating system will use ...
Initialization of the High Precision Event Timer failed due to an interrupt configuration problem. The operating system will ...
Initialization of the High Precision Event Timer failed due to unsupported hardware. The operating system will use another ...
InitializePrintProvider failed for provider %1. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources. ...
InitializeProvider cannot allocate memory for %1. This can occur because of system instability or a lack of system resources. ...
Initializing the offline Windows PE image specified failed with status 2!08x!. Please ensure this is a valid Windows PE image ...
Initiate scan to update quota usage. The syntax for this command is: Dirquota Quota Scan /Path:PATH /Remote:REMOTE /Path:PATH ...
Initiates a new transaction and returns an MSMQ transaction object representing the new underlying transaction object created ...
Initiator CHAP secret given is invalid. Maximum size of CHAP secret is 16 bytes. Minimum size is 12 bytes if IPSec is not ...