In the '%{parentStruct/}' mining structure, the '%{name/}' column is bound to a database column whose data type is set to Binary. This data type typically represents unstructured data, which cannot be processed.
In relationship '{0}', the Principal and Dependent Role of the referential constraint refers to the same Role in the relationship ...
In the '%{detail/}' measure group, the '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension references a missing lookup measure group with ...
In the '%{model/}' mining model, a request to the '%{attribute/}' attribute for marginal statistics failed, because the attribute ...
In the '%{modelname/}' mining model, the MODEL_EXISTENCE_ONLY modeling flag is not allowed in the '%{colname/}' key column. ...
In the '%{parentStruct/}' mining structure, the '%{name/}' column is bound to a database column whose data type is set to ...
In the '%{parentStruct/}' structure, the '%{name/}' column does not contain valid bindings to data and cannot be processed. ...
In the mining model, '%{modelname/}', the '%{colname/}' column must be of a continuous type since the REGRESSOR modeling ...
In this CTP, role management for Tabular models at database compatibility level 1200 is only supported in SQL Server Management ...
In-app unified notification center to show new data that was shared with you or dashboard that were added to a group you ...