This version of Active Accessibility installs English language versions of core components. Because your system is not an English language system, this installation cannot continue.
This version can't be previewed because it was copied to the following location, which isn't connected to this PC: {0}{1}{0} ...
This version of %1 is incompatible with this version of Windows. Please obtain and install a new version of the driver from ...
This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information ...
This version of Active Accessibility does not work reliably on Windows NT4 without Service Pack 4 or newer. Please install ...
This version of Active Accessibility installs English language versions of core components. Because your system is not an ...
This version of AD LDS cannot run on 64-bit computers. To run AD LDS on an 64-bit computer, install the 64-bit version of ...
This version of Adaptec Easy CD Creator is incompatible with this version of Windows. To work around this issue, before installing ...
This version of Backup Exec relies on drivers that might not be compatible with this version of Windows. Contact VERITAS ...
This version of Backup Utility Driver relies on drivers that might not be compatible with this version of Windows. Contact ...