The attempt to rename the computer to "%1" failed. Please do one of the following: -- Configure the computer's primary DNS suffix to match the Active Directory domain DNS name or any other allowed primary DNS suffix. For the list of the allowed DNS suffixes contact your domain administrator. -- Contact your domain administrator to allow computers that are members of the "%2" domain to have "%3" as their primary DNS suffix.
The attempt to move the FSMO roles from the Active Directory Domain Controller being deleted to another domain controller ...
The attempt to register the Active Directory Domain Services performance counters failed. This operation will be tried again ...
The attempt to register the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services performance counters failed. This operation will ...
The attempt to rename the computer to "%1" failed. Please contact your domain administrator and indicate that the computer ...
The attempt to rename the computer to "%1" failed. Please do one of the following: - Configure the computer's primary DNS ...
The attempt to restore Active Directory Domain Services failed because the restored copy of Active Directory Domain Services ...
The attempt to restore Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services failed because the restored copy of Active Directory ...
The attempt to retrieve account information for the specified task failed; therefore, the task did not run. Either an error ...
The attempt to send the fax failed. The call was not answered by a fax device. The service will attempt to resend the fax. ...