The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number of color planes used in the video display. A color plane is another way to represent pixel colors; instead of assigning a single RGB value to each a pixel, color planes separate the graphic into each of the primary color components (red green blue), and store them in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8 and 16 bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the bitwidth large enough to store color depth information, making only one color plane necessary. Example: 1 This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution
The CodeSet property indicates the code page value used by the operating system. A code page contains a character table used ...
The Collect Procedure for the "%1!s!" service in DLL "%2!s!" generated an exception or returned an invalid status. The performance ...
The collect procedure in Extensible Counter DLL "%1!s!" for the "%2!s!" service returned a buffer that was larger than the ...
The CollectionOfMSEs object allows the grouping of ManagedSystemElements for the purposes of associating Settings and Configurations. ...
The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number of color planes used in the video display. A color plane is another ...
The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number ofcolor planes used in the display configuration. A color plane is ...
The ColorTableEntries property indicates the number of color indexes in a color table for a video display. This property ...
The ColorTableEntries property indicates the size of the system's color table, if the device has a color depth of no more ...
The column {0} cannot be selected on because of the current group by setting. This column can only be selected if it is also ...