This timeout is used by jobs trying to acquire an exclusive access to the warehouse resources during the Schema Change stage. SchemaUpdateWaitSeconds is how long a job will be waiting in the Running state for the exclusive access to call IWarehouseAdapter.SchemaChange(). If the timeout expires before the Schema Change is finished, the job quits and try at a later (scheduled) time.
This test run contains manual tests. The test run will not complete until you complete all the manual tests. You will be ...
This test suite does not contain any test case and configuration pairings. Make sure that you have added configurations for ...
This timeout is used by Analysis processing jobs trying to acquire an exclusive access to the warehouse resources during ...
This timeout is used by jobs to acquire a shared access to the warehouse resources during the Data Change stage. DataUpdateWaitSeconds ...
This timeout is used by jobs trying to acquire an exclusive access to the warehouse resources during the Schema Change stage. ...
This tool allows you to set the trace flags in AFX.INI, which determine the category of messages that are sent from the Debug ...
This tool cannot create custom membership conditions. To incorporate a custom membership condition into the security policy, ...
This trial version of |0 has expired. Refer to the "Getting Started with Microsoft Office trial version" booklet for important ...
This trial version of |0 will expire in 1 day. Refer to the "Microsoft Office Trial README" icon on your desktop for important ...