Syntax: netsh wins server \ServerName | Address dump > FileName Parameters: ServerName - The name of the remote (non-local) ...

        netsh wins server [\ServerName | Address] dump > FileName 
        ServerName     - The name of the remote (non-local) WINS  
        Address        - The IP address of the remote (non-local) WINS 
        FileName       - The name of the destination file where the 
                         WINS server configuration is dumped. 
Notes:         This command permits you to view the WINS configuration 
               in a text editor or use the load command for loading 
               the output file to configure another WINS server. If 
               used without redirection in Netshell, this command 
               displays the WINS server configuration information in 
               the command window.   
Examples:      netsh wins server dump > wincfg.dmp 
               netsh wins server \WINS-A dump > winscfg.dmp 
               netsh wins server dump > winscfg.dmp