{0}, a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed from the transparent code.
A transformer with name '{0}' has already been added, and has the same provider and consumer types as the transformer with ...
a transparent method, contains a security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, ...
a transparent method, contains a security assert. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, or the ...
a transparent method, contains a security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should ...
a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed ...
a transparent method, uses the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute. In order to handle process corrupting exceptions, ...
a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security assert for {1}. {0} should be made security critical or security ...
a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security demand for {1}. {0} should be made security-safe critical or ...
A type '{0}' that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type forwarded from an assembly with a different Public ...