H[elp] [option_name] Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is specified. If you specify an option_name argument, DTUtil displays the command line help for the specified option. For example, the following is used to display the extended help for the Quiet option: DTUtil /Help Quiet or DTUtil /H Q DTUtil supports performing one of several actions against a source package. The source package and its location are specified with the /SQL, /FILE, and /DTS commands. Some actions require a destination package and its location. For example the following copies the srcPackage, which is on a local SQLServer, to destPackage, which will be on the local SSIS Store. DTUtil /SQL srcPackage /COPY DTS;destPackage NOTE: Commands can be in any order. Therefore, the above example could be written as: DTUtil /COPY DTS;destPackage /SQL srcPackage
History snapshots may be deleted when the number of history snapshots is reduced. Do you want to reduce the number of history ...
Hungarian, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
Hungarian, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
H[elp option_name Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is ...
H[elp option_name Optional. Displays a list of options and their associated arguments unless the option_name argument is ...
I created the peer database manually, or I restored a backup of the original publication database which has not been changed ...
I have downloaded and installed Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007 on my machine {2}. These add-ins ...
I restored a backup of the original publication database, and the publication database was changed after the backup was taken ...
I Specify the SQL Server instance from which to read the packages (if this is provided then connection is created to SERVER\Instance ...