Usage: %1!s! protocol=]tcp|udp startport= numberofports= store=]active|persistent Parameters: Tag Value protocol - One of ...

Usage: %1!s! [protocol=]tcp|udp
             [startport=] [numberofports=]


      Tag                 Value
      protocol       - One of the following values:
                       tcp: Deletes an exclusion for TCP.
                       udp: Deletes an exclusion for UDP.
      startport      - The starting port number of a previously
                       created exclusion.
      numberofports  - The number of ports starting from the startport
                       of a previously created exclusion.
      store          - One of the following values:
                       active: Delete only lasts until next boot.
                       persistent: Delete is persistent.
                                   This is the default.

Remarks: Deletes an exclusion for consecutive blocks of ports.
         startport and numberofports should be exactly same as
         previously created exclusion.


      %1!s! protocol=tcp startport=50000 numberofports=20