'This function returns the leading number from the duration value. 'First, we will walk backwards through the string until we find the first number '(need to start from the right, since someone might have used the elapsed character 'as the decimal separator.) 'Then we can grab the string from that point on, and strip any leading spaces 'then check to see what the first character is.
This file has been created by a different version of Project.}If you continue saving the file with the Save As command, some ...
This file name has already been assigned to another file that shares the resource pool file.}Please use a different file ...
This file \"^1\" has links to projects that have not been saved yet.}Save the unsaved linked projects before closing this ...
This file ^1 shares a resource pool file from an earlier version of Project.}Do you want to open the file so you can upgrade ...
This function returns the leading number from the duration value. 'First, we will walk backwards through the string until ...
This functionality requires Internet Explorer 5 or later} You are attempting to display the Project Guide or to display Project ...
This grid lists all the queue jobs that meet the criteria specified above. A subset of jobs can be selected and cancelled ...
This Inserted Project is read-only.}The change to read/write for this Inserted Project will occur the next time the project ...
This is a placeholder task that is used to identify the additional work required for training. Development of training programs ...