The package is not currently available on the selected distribution point. Select a different distribution point or try again later.
The out of band service point failed to run %1 on %2 with error %3.%12 Possible cause: This error can occur when the AMT ...
The out of band service point failed to unregister the %1 in DNS.%12 Possible cause: The site server does not have sufficient ...
The package "%1" was processed successfully, but was not copied to the Windows Intune distribution point. To be copied to ...
The package ID must be present on the device, and the following condition for the package version must be available to verify ...
The package is not currently available on the selected distribution point. Select a different distribution point or try again ...
The package source location that you have entered is invalid. Ensure that package source path is not the content source path ...
The package source location that you have entered is invalid. Please ensure that package source path is not the content source ...
The package specified for this advertisement contains source files, but no distribution points are specified for the package. ...
The package specified for this advertisement contains source files, but no distribution points are specified for the package. ...