The %1!s! is mapped to an external metadata column with the id %2!d!. Input columns should not be mapped to external metadata columns when selected Write Option value is Create Always.
The %1!s! has an invalid data type. Columns with data types DT_IMAGE, DT_TEXT and DT_NTEXT cannot be written to raw files. ...
The %1!s! has been out of synchronization with the database column. The latest column has %2!s!. Use advanced editor to refresh ...
The %1!s! has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference ...
The %1!s! has performed the following operations: processed %2!I64u! rows, issued %3!I64u! database commands to the reference ...
The %1!s! is mapped to an external metadata column with the id %2!d!. Input columns should not be mapped to external metadata ...
The %1!s! is read/write and is required to have custom property "%2!s!". Add the property, or make remove the read/write ...
The %1!s! must be read/write to have custom property "%2!s!". The input or output column has the specified custom property, ...
The %1!s! parameter(s) have been deprecated from this procedure. The value(s) should now be specified when calling '%2!s!'. ...
The %1!s! parameters have been deprecated and should no longer be used. For more information, see the '%2!s!' documentation. ...