Use Lookup to retrieve the value from the specified dataset for a name-value pair where there is a 1-to-1 relationship. For example, for an ID field in a table, you can use Lookup to retrieve the corresponding Name field from a dataset that is not bound to the data region.
Use dimension intelligence to specify a standard business type for a dimension and its attributes. Client applications can ...
Use dimension writeback to allow users to modify the dimension structure manually. Updates to a write-enabled dimension are ...
Use each row from the top input to build a hash table, and each row from the bottom input to probe into the hash table, outputting ...
Use Extract Column to specify which columns in the data flow contain data to be extracted. Use File Path Column to specify ...
Use Lookup to retrieve the value from the specified dataset for a name-value pair where there is a 1-to-1 relationship. For ...
Use LookupSet to retrieve a set of values from the specified dataset for a name-value pair where there is a 1-to-many relationship. ...
Use Master Data Services Configuration Manager to configure Master Data Services system settings, and to create and configure ...
Use Multilookup to retrieve a set of values from a dataset for name-value pairs where each pair has a 1-to-1 relationship. ...
Use of hint "%1!s!" on the target table of INSERT is deprecated because it may be removed in a future version of SQL Server. ...