Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting authentication requests. Default is 1812. This parameter is applicable only when a Radius server is being configured for authentication
Indicates the IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the cmdlet needs to be executed and health retrieved. ...
Indicates the limit on the amount of accounting data that can be stored, essentially the size of the store, in terms of time. ...
Indicates the mechanism for IPv4 address assignment. Can take one of the following values 1. Dhcp 2. StaticPool When load ...
Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting accounting requests. The default value is 1813 This parameter ...
Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting authentication requests. Default is 1812. This parameter ...
Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting authentication requests. The default value is 1813 This ...
Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting requests. The default value is 1813 for accounting and ...
Indicates the purpose of the external RADIUS server. Can be one of the following 1. Authentication 2. Accounting 3. Otp If ...
Indicates the requested operation would disable, delete or could prevent logon for an administration account. This is not ...