One or more tables on another page have been resized due to printer or style changes or conversion.When you changed the printer, modified a text style, or imported a document, one or more tables in this publication grew larger. To make sure that your publication is formatted correctly, check all tables before you print.
One or more fonts could not be embedded in the packed file. You might need to talk to your commercial printing service about ...
One or more fonts embedded in the packed file are preview-only. Therefore, any changes you make to the packed file will not ...
One or more of the embedded fonts used in this publication are preview-only. When you use preview-only fonts, you can view ...
One or more of the pictures in your publication required too much memory to print rotated at full resolution. Publisher has ...
One or more tables on another page have been resized due to printer or style changes or conversion.When you changed the printer, ...
One or more text boxes for the verses have been deleted. Do you want to reapply the current template to restore the text ...
Opening this publication will access data from the following location: %sData from this location will be inserted in this ...
Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an animated GIF. The animated GIF will be converted to a static graphic ...
Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an HTML code fragment. The HTML code fragment will be converted to a graphic ...