Use these settings to open a port through Windows Firewall. Choose a meaningful name you'll remember. To find the port number and protocol, consult the documentation for the program or service you want to use.
Use the Telephone method to activate a license server or install licenses by speaking to a Customer Service Representative. ...
Use the World Wide Web method to activate a license server or install licenses by connecting to the Microsoft Remote Desktop ...
Use these options to automatically remove the application when it is no longer managed, publish OLE information in the active ...
Use these settings to configure whether clients will use a RD Gateway server to connect to the target RD Session Host server ...
Use these settings to open a port through Windows Firewall. Choose a meaningful name you'll remember. To find the port number ...
Use these steps to create and manage the enforcement clients, specify user interface settings for the Network Access Protection ...
Use these steps to specify the certification authorities that the health registration authority uses, and configure cryptographic ...
Use these steps to specify the security mechanism by which a client computer communicates with a health registration authority ...
Use this feature to configure HTTP error responses. The error responses can be custom error pages, or detailed error messages ...