This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for %1!s! %2!s! cannot be located on a distribution point. For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
This source site has been previously specified. The original source site has been reactivated and you can view historical ...
This system cannot be deleted from the database because it is currently serving as a branch distribution point. To delete ...
This task sequence cannot be run because a package referenced by the task sequence could not be found. For more information, ...
This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for %1!s! %2!s! are inaccessible on the distribution point. Make ...
This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for %1!s! %2!s! cannot be located on a distribution point. For ...
This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for %1!s! are inaccessible on the distribution point. Make sure ...
This task sequence cannot be run because the program files for %1!s! cannot be located on a distribution point. For more ...
This task sequence object is referred to by an invalid boot image. The invalid data will be ignored. You can specify a valid ...
This task sequence object references one or more invalid packages. Make sure all associated packages exist and are available ...