Make sure the date and time are correct on your device, and then try again. If you receive this message again, contact your support person to see if this is expected.
Make sure that your app doesn't store system-wide data files or settings to user-specific data stores such as User Profile ...
Make sure that your app doesn't store system-wide data files or settings to user-specific data stores such as User Profile ...
Make sure that your computer is in range of "%ws" Also verify that the network settings match the wireless router or access ...
Make sure the computer or device is turned on and connected to the network Windows can't find "%s". If the computer or device ...
Make sure the date and time are correct on your device, and then try again. If you receive this message again, contact your ...
Make sure the device is turned on and is discoverable. You might also need to make sure that Bluetooth, wireless, or WiGig ...
Make sure the disk is still in the drive, and then type the current user account password. If the account does not have a ...
Make sure the name "%s" is spelled correctly and the computer is available on the network If the computer you're trying to ...
Make sure you are connecting to a trusted network. During this type of restore, your computer does not have security updates ...