|9 cannot add a digital signature to your file because Access cannot gain exclusive access to the file. @Make sure no other person or program has the file open and try to add the digital signature again.@@1@@@2
can't undo this operation.@An object with the same name already exists. Another user might have created an object named '|' ...
can't update all the records in the update query.@|9 didn't update |1 field(s) due to a type conversion failure, |2 record(s) ...
can't write to the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again. You may ...
Cancels the Microsoft Office Access event that caused the macro containing this action to run. For example, if the BeforeUpdate ...
cannot add a digital signature to your file because Access cannot gain exclusive access to the file. @Make sure no other ...
cannot apply the filter because all of the records are locked.@Either the RecordLocks property of the form or report or the ...
cannot be created because the project is disconnected.@To connect the project to a database, click Connection under Server ...
cannot build a form or report based on the data returned by the function object that you have currently selected. @Select ...
cannot change the design of |1. The minimum required version to change the design is |2.@Learn more about this error on Microsoft's ...