DPM is unable to configure the Windows account because the password you entered does not meet the Group Policy requirements.
DPM is attempting to back up or restore a deduped file, which requires Deduplication to be enabled on %AgentTargetServer;. ...
DPM is attempting to backup or restore deduped files, which requires target to be a NTFS volume and deduplication should ...
DPM is not synchronized with the changes on %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName;. Protection cannot continue. ...
DPM is not synchronized with the current state of your library. Jobs running on the %LibraryType; %Library; can potentially ...
DPM is unable to configure the Windows account because the password you entered does not meet the Group Policy requirements. ...
DPM is unable to continue protecting the selected database because DPM detected a mirroring session failover for this database. ...
DPM is unable to continue protection for %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; because the change tracking information is corrupt ...
DPM is unable to continue protection for %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; because this computer has been powered off without ...
DPM is unable to continue protection for %DatasourceName; on server %ServerName; since the change tracking information is ...