%s(%d) %s SheetID = %d nThe number of text-field rows (%d) and marker characters (%d) does not match. Add rows or markers to correct the imbalance?
s!This page contains a FrontPage %2!.32s! component that will not function properly because it requires a Web server enabled ...
s!This page contains a FrontPage %2!.32s! component that will not function properly until you publish your FrontPage Web ...
s' exited without properly closing your Outlook data file '%s'. '%s' must be restarted. If this error message recurs, contact ...
s(%d) %s SheetID = %d Field row = %d The field row is missing a formula, or is otherwise inconsistent. Delete the field row? ...
s(%d) %s SheetID = %d nThe number of text-field rows (%d) and marker characters (%d) does not match. Add rows or markers ...
Safe Lists Only: Only mail from people or domains on your Safe Senders List or Safe Recipients List will be delivered to ...
Saint Pierre and Miquelon|Saint Pierre|Miquelon|Saint-Pierre und Miquelon|Saint Pierre y Miquelon|Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon|Saint-Pierre ...
Sample forms cannot be deleted. To delete this form, you must run InfoPath Setup and clear the sample forms check boxes under ...
sample_s,number_sample,population_s,number_pop!This function is available for compatibility with Excel 2007 and earlier. ...