Cannot find the domain {0} that holds authorized universal group in AD. Please check authorized universal group configuration.
Cannot find tenant DW instance. Cause: There might be error in Lync CMS server. Resolution: Verify that CMS server is running ...
Cannot find the client certificate for PIC provisioning. TenantId: '%1' Exception: %2 Stack Trace: %3 Cause: Public internet ...
Cannot find the client certificate for upgrade engine handler. Message=%1 Exception: %2 Stack Trace: %3 Cause: Upgrade Engine ...
Cannot find the domain "{0}" in Active Directory. Please make sure it is a valid NetBios domain name in your organization. ...
Cannot find the domain {0} that holds authorized universal group in AD. Please check authorized universal group configuration. ...
Cannot find the policy instance in Central Management database. Error: %1 Cause: Cannot find the policy instance in Central ...
Cannot find the pool's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in service assignment "{0}" for component "{1}". Run Enable-CsTopology ...
Cannot find user with altSecurityIdentities property that matches the certificate presented with subject "{0}" and issuer ...
Cannot find watcher node configuration. Make sure local management store contains watcher node configuration. Connection: ...