This compatibility fix applies to applications that require a specific resolution to run. It takes a command line to specify the resolution. The command line options must specify the width (pixels), height (pixels), and color depth (bits). If the desired resolution is omitted, the current system resolution will be used. For example, if you specify a setting of 1024,768,16 the application will use a setting of 1024x768 at a color depth of 16 bits. If you were to specify the command line of ,,16, the application would use the current system resolution but would change to 16-bit color depth.
This compatibility fix addresses two separate issues with the PROCESSENTRY32 API. The first converts the standard Windows ...
This compatibility fix adjusts the CreateWindow API parameters to make only very simple windows. This is useful for fixing ...
This compatibility fix allocates additional memory for every allocation made through the HeapAlloc API. This fix is command ...
This compatibility fix applies to applications that may not correctly handle broadcast messages to their window process. ...
This compatibility fix applies to applications that require a specific resolution to run. It takes a command line to specify ...
This compatibility fix applies to applications that use the shell32 SHGetFolderPath APIs to find the Start Menu, Programs, ...
This compatibility fix calls WinExec on the passed command line, and then terminates the caller process. The command line ...
This compatibility fix causes the application to disregard any output sent to the OutputDebugString API. This type of debug ...
This compatibility fix causes the application to ignore certain specified exceptions. By default, the only exceptions ignored ...