SMS Site Component Manager could not install the %1 service on site system "%2" with the service logging on as account "%3".%12 ...

%11SMS Site Component Manager could not install the %1 service on site system "%2" with the service logging on as account "%3".%12

Possible cause: SMS Site Component Manager does not have sufficient access rights to administer the site system.
Solution: Verify that the Site System Connection accounts are properly configured to allow SMS to administer the site system.

Possible cause: Something other than SMS deleted account "%3" or changed its password.
Solution: Reset the site using SMS Setup. SMS Site Component Manager will recreate the account as part of the reset process.

SMS Site Component Manager uses the %1 service to install SMS server components, and cannot install component %4 until the %1 service can be installed. If this problem persists and you cannot fix it, refer to your SMS documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.%0
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