We have detected that you have successfully linked a resource to the Web Application Firewall solution: {0}. To finalize this action, please complete the necessary configurations via the solution's management portal, which can be accessed by clicking the {1} command in the Partner solutions dashboard. You should also make sure this application Public IP is removed or NSG rules are configured to allow access to this application Public IP from '{0}' only. Please note that you have to complete the steps below to ensure your application is protected.
We have detected Microsoft Office 2010 on your PC. To configure Office 2010 to work with Microsoft Rights Management, you ...
We have detected that the account to be migrated is using one or more Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Servers (PhoneFactor ...
We have detected that you are running this wizard for the first time for your directory. To create a new configuration, you ...
We have detected that you have successfully linked a resource to the Next Generation Firewall solution: {0}. To finalize ...
We have detected that you have successfully linked a resource to the Web Application Firewall solution: {0}. To finalize ...
We have detected that you have successfully provisioned a {0} solution: {1}. To finalize this action, please complete the ...
We have detected that you wish to migrate a legacy Multi-Factor Authentication account to Microsoft Azure. Please verify ...
We have received your request and reserved your account. When your account becomes available, we will send an email message ...
We highly recommend you turn on two-step verification. Two-step verification is an advanced security feature that makes it ...