The interval of time that a destination waits before sending an acknowledgement to the message source on reliable channels that are created by the factory.
The instanceVersion passed to InstancePersistenceContext.BindAcquiredLock must be zero if the persistence provider doesn't ...
The InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute on Windows Runtime class '{0}' references interface '{1}' which is not implemented ...
The InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute on Windows Runtime class '{0}' referencing interface '{1}' is specified multiple ...
The interop method '%1' cannot access the stub method '%2' specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute. Please make ...
The interval of time that a destination waits before sending an acknowledgement to the message source on reliable channels ...
The interval of time that indicates how long the messages processed by this binding can be in the queue before they expire. ...
The IP STS is requesting for claims othen than the private personal identifier (PPID) claim for self-issued card authentication. ...
The ISerializable type '{0}' cannot be deserialized in partial trust because it does not have a public constructor with parameters ...
The isolation block cannot be set up because it would be contained within another isolation block. Isolation blocks cannot ...