drain - disables NEW traffic handling on the specified cluster for the rule whose port range contains the specified port ...

drain        - disables NEW traffic handling on the                                            specified cluster for the rule whose                                            port range contains the specified                                            port    queryport [:]              - retrieve the current state of the              []              port rule. If the rule is handling                                            traffic, packet handling statistics                                            are also returned.    params [ | ALL]              - retrieve the current parameters from                                            the NLB driver for the specified                                            cluster on the local host.      [: | ALL:]( | ALL)         - every virtual ip address (neither                                             nor ALL) or specific  or                                            the "All" vip, on a specific                                             rule or ALL ports      : | (( | ALL) - specific  on a specific    (LOCAL | GLOBAL))                       , OR specific  or ALL                                            clusters, on the LOCAL machine or all                                            (GLOBAL) machines that are a part of                                            the cluster
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