This a&ccount represents a conference room or other resource(hidden because direct scheduling with Outlook isn't supported).
There was a problem sharing your with . Try responding to this request later, or contact your administrator for assistance. ...
There was a protocol error and we couldn't finish syncing. If you continue to see this message, contact the administrator ...
There was an error when printing started. To check the printer setup, double-click the Printers icon in Windows Control Panel. ...
There were e-mail messages on the mail server that cannot be downloaded. Contact your Internet service provider (ISP) or ...
This a&ccount represents a conference room or other resource(hidden because direct scheduling with Outlook isn't supported). ...
This account already exists in this profile and cannot be added again. To modify the existing account, select the account ...
This action will revert the card design to the Outlook default. All formatting changes and the picture you added will be ...
This application is about to initialize ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If you trust the source of this file, select ...
This calendar cannot be sent as a Whole calendar with a detail level of Availability only. Select another Date range or Level ...