Database Mirroring Monitor will automatically try to connect to the partners of the selected databases. Use the Manage Server Connections dialog box to modify the credentials used to connect to the partners.
Database mirroring is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature ...
Database mirroring is starting %1!s! parallel redo thread(s) with database '%2!s!' as the mirror copy. This is an informational ...
Database Mirroring Monitor connects to the following server instances using the indicated credentials to retrieve the status ...
Database Mirroring Monitor is currently managing a connection to server instance '{0}' with different credentials than those ...
Database Mirroring Monitor will automatically try to connect to the partners of the selected databases. Use the Manage Server ...
Database mirroring was unable to obtain the network hostname. Operating system error %1!s! encountered. Verify the network ...
Database mirroring will be suspended. Server instance '%1!s!' encountered error %2!s!, state %3!s!, severity %4!s! when it ...
Database property 'IsRecursiveTriggersEnabled' has to be false for subscription databases at Subscribers that allow updatable ...
Database was restored: Database: %1!s!, creation date(time): %2!s!(%3!s!), first LSN: %4!s!, last LSN: %5!s!, number of dump ...