The file "%1" was successfully added to SharePoint but could not be checked in. SharePoint Workspace has marked the file as checked out by you.
The file "%1" cannot be created because files of the type "%2" are not allowed. Please choose a file name for an allowed ...
The file "%1" could not be attached because it could not be found or may be in use. If you selected the file from a network ...
The file "%1" could not be synchronized: The contents are out of date. You may have configured the containing folder for ...
The file "%1" has been modified locally and any changes made will be lost. Should SharePoint Workspace continue to discard ...
The file "%1" was successfully added to SharePoint but could not be checked in. SharePoint Workspace has marked the file ...
The file "%3" can not be imported because it was created with an earlier version of %1. Please open and save this file with ...
The file "%3" is locked. This could be because the disk is locked, the file is read-only, in use by another program, or because ...
The file "%3" was not found by the %1 translator. Check the spelling of the file name and path. If the file is on a network ...
The file "%3" was not recognized. The %1 translator was unable to recognize this file. It could be the wrong file, a version ...