M[ove] {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path Operation. Move the package to the specified path. o SQL - Path is the path and name of the destination package. o File - Path is the fully qualified path and file name for the package. o DTS - Path is the path and name of the destination package.
must be enabled as a Publisher before you can create a publication. In the following dialog box, enable this server as a ...
Must pass parameter number %1!s! and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, ...
Must pass parameter number {0} and subsequent parameters as '@name = value'. After the form '@name = value' has been used, ...
M[axConcurrent concurrent_executables Optional. Sets the number of threads that process executables in a single package execution ...
M[ove {SQL | FILE | DTS};Path Operation. Move the package to the specified path. o SQL - Path is the path and name of the ...
Name and Security Identifier (SID) combination must be unique for group update, create, and copy operations. Name: {0}, Security ...
Name of a dataset or the name of a group or data region that contains (directly or indirectly) the report item that the aggregate ...
Name of a group or data region that contains (directly or indirectly) the report item that the aggregate function is used ...
Name of SQL Server instance to which to connect. This is the server against which all tuning analysis and supporting table ...