You do not have sufficient access privileges to create the universal security group {0}. You must be at least a domain administrator to create a universal security group in this domain.
You cannot use this wizard to change the path of a database that is replicated. For detailed steps to change the path for ...
You currently have {0} Exchange ActiveSync partnerships out of {1} maximum partnerships allowed per user. After you reach ...
You did not enter a name or a company. Click OK to save the contact without a name, or click Cancel to return to the form. ...
You didn't specify the InternalUrl parameter for the object that's being created on the remote server. Include the InternalUrl ...
You do not have sufficient access privileges to create the universal security group {0}. You must be at least a domain administrator ...
You do not have sufficient permissions in the domain. A Domain Administrator must either re-run "setup /DomainPrep" or create ...
You do not have the correct permissions to complete this installation for all users of the computer. Log on as Administrator ...
You don't have access to create a new management role under the "{0}" management role. You must have enabled a delegating ...
You don't have access to create, change, or remove the "{0}" management role assignment. You must be assigned a delegating ...