IP-HTTPS prefix %2!s! cannot be added because it includes the virtual IP (VIP) address %1!s! of the load balanced cluster.
IP Security Policy %2 specified in the source cannot be found. The policy will be dropped but the operation will continue. ...
IP security protects the confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of IP packets between two computers on a network. IP ...
IP was unable to initialize network adapter %2 for configuration by DHCP. If DHCP is enabled on this network adapter, the ...
IP-HTTPS prefix %2!s! cannot be added because it includes the dedicated IP address (DIP) %1!s! of the load balanced cluster. ...
IP-HTTPS prefix %2!s! cannot be added because it includes the virtual IP (VIP) address %1!s! of the load balanced cluster. ...
IP-in-IP Configuration - Local address of tunnel: %1!s! Remote address of tunnel: %2!s! Tunnel Time-To-Live (TTL): %3!d! ...
IP: Interface %1 property change. Advertise= %2, AdvertiseDefaultRoute = %3, Forward = %4, ForwardMulticast = %5, UseNud ...
IP: IP address lifetime = %4 %6 %5 on interface = %1, protocol = %2, CurrentTime = %7 Old BaseTime = %8 Old ValidTime = %9 ...
IP: Route %1 property change. Interface = %2, Protocol = %5, DestinationPrefix = %16 %18 %7 /%6, Nexthop = %17 %18 %8. Properties: ...