Changes the cmd.exe command prompt. PROMPT [text] text Specifies a new command prompt. Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes: $A (Ampersand) $B | (pipe) $C ( (Left parenthesis) $D Current date $E Escape code (ASCII code 27) $F ) (Right parenthesis) $G > (greater-than sign) $H Backspace (erases previous character) $L < (less-than sign) $N Current drive $P Current drive and path $Q = (equal sign) $S (space) $T Current time $V Windows version number $_ Carriage return and linefeed $$ $ (dollar sign)
Changes attributes on one file or directory. ATTRIB -R|+R|-S|+S|-H|+H|-C|+C filename + Sets an attribute. - Clears an attribute. ...
Changes have been made to the configuration which must be saved before running the wizard. Would you like to save them now? ...
Changes have been made to this server's Windows Firewall settings, either by a user or by a group policy. When you click ...
Changes made to the following transport object could not be communicated to Active Directory. Transport: %1 As a result, ...
Changes the cmd.exe command prompt. PROMPT text text Specifies a new command prompt. Prompt can be made up of normal characters ...
Changes the font size for window title bars, menus, and other features. This option does not increase the size of text inside ...
Changes the precedence of a calendar event. 1. wsrmc /Move:Cal /MovBef Moves the calname1 before calname2 so that precedence ...
Changes to Custom properties could not be saved. The file may be marked read-only or may be in use by another application. ...
Changes to Summary properties could not be saved for one or more files; access has been denied. The file(s) may be marked ...